Const DateTime &AtAsTimeStamp ( ulong position ) const

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Returns the timestamp stored in the dataVect passed from FileMaker as a const DateTime variable.

  • const fmx::DateTime& theTimeStamp = dataVect.AtAsTimeStamp( index );

where index is the parameter number to return (0 = first, etc)

The following example extracts the DateTimeStamp from the passed dataVect and then gets the current year, month and day.

const fmx::DateTime&    theDateTime = dataVect.AtAsTimeStamp( 0 );

short theYear = theDateTime.GetYear();
short theMonth = theDateTime.GetMonth();
short theDay = theDateTime.GetDay();

Make sure you add #include "FMWrapper/FMXDateTime.h" near the top of your file as it isn't in the default list for some reason.