Ulong FindIgnoringCase ( const Text &other, ulong position ) const

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Searches the current text looking for the 'search' text given.

Returns the position of the first character in the 'search' text, starting at the position given.

Returns fmx::Text::kSize_End = 0xFFFFFFFF if the 'search' text can't be found after the start position.

fmx::TextAutoPtr	origText;
origText->Assign("This is my string to search for a word in");

fmx::TextAutoPtr	searchText;

ulong thePos = origText->FindIgnoringCase(*searchText, 0 );    // will return  21 as the position of the 's' in 'search'  (assuming a zero based array)

Note : This is case insensitive, so both 'search' or 'Search' will return 21 in the above example. Use Find if you want an exact match.